Farm Made
Farm Made | 金盞花潤膚乳 Calendula Hand & Body Lotion
City Farm 都市農莊自種有機金盞花浸泡油,有機金盞花純露,有機紫蘇純露,小麥胚芽油,植物乳化劑,苦橙葉精油,金盞花精油。 滋潤緊緻肌膚,延緩皮膚衰老,抗炎症敏感,舒緩濕疹。
✔️ 香港種植,香港製造
✔️ 純素
✔️ 保護並強化敏感乾燥皮膚的新陳代謝,抑制發炎,對抗細菌,舒緩濕疹,過敏及各種皮膚不適。
✔️ 促使上皮組織形成的速度加快,加速傷口癒合,有效淡化疤痕。
✔️ 有機紫蘇純露具強抗氧化,抗衰老及美白功效。清熱解毒,抑菌防腐,舒緩敏感,風疹搔癢等皮膚問題。
保質期:6 個月 (開封後盡快使用)
Farm Made | 金盞花潤膚乳 Calendula Hand & Body Lotion
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.