NOESiS | Cleaning Powder (Green Soda) 潔洗粉
✔️ 不污染環境及海水
✔️ 多用途
Cleaning Soda三保潔洗粉 1kg
- 適用於一般家居清潔、拖地、瓷磚及用作洗衣粉
- 機洗手洗適用
- 可以温水溶解,浸洗茶漬效果一流!
- 可配合 Eco Bleach 漂潔粉使用
Eco Bleach二保漂潔粉 1.5kg
- 適用於一般家居/厨房清潔/運動鞋/布鞋及用作彩色/白色衣物漂白
- 機洗手洗適用
- 浸洗衣物不然浸泡過長時間,以免做成效果不勻
- 可以温水溶解浸洗抽氣扇扇頁、抽油煙機扇頁配件,浸泡十五分鐘後刷洗,去油漬效果一流!
- 可配合Cleaning Soda洗潔粉使用
NOESiS | Cleaning Powder (Green Soda) 潔洗粉
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.