NOESiS | Bamboo Facial Scrub Towel 竹纖維洗面磨砂巾
NOESiS 全竹纖維洗面磨砂巾
✔️ 天然竹纖維
✔️ 抑菌, 防霉及防臭作用
✔️ 特別設計編織,配合日常潔面產品擦臉清潔,温和做出磨砂效果
1. 以日常潔面產品洗臉,沖洗過水前以濕竹纖維洗面磨砂巾擦洗有需要地方,沖水即可
2. 每星期建議使用2次。
3. 可用作落妝毛巾,均勻塗抹落妝產品於面上按摩,再以濕竹纖維洗面磨砂巾擦洗,沖水即可。
4. 用後可以温上擦洗,污垢/化妝品可輕易洗掉。
5. 可機洗。
Size: 14x14cm
NOESiS | Bamboo Facial Scrub Towel 竹纖維洗面磨砂巾
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.