Beetales 蜜語 | 蜂蜜酒 Honey Mead Wine
Mead,蜂蜜酒,傳說是北歐眾神的最愛,而且也是婚後「蜜月」(Honey Moon)的名稱由來。古時歐洲會為新人準備一個月份量的蜂蜜酒,供他們婚後首月享用這份甜蜜,古人的浪漫總是如詩。
- 香港製造 Made-in-Hong-Kong
- 採用本地鴨腳蜜 Local Honey
- 香港製造 Made-in-Hong-Kong
- 採用本地鴨腳蜜 Local Honey
Beetales 蜜語 | 蜂蜜酒 Honey Mead Wine
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.