Farm Made
Farm Made | 金盞花香蜂草凍膜 Calendula & Lemon Balm Gel Mask 100g
✔️ 香港製造
✔️ 金盞花純露舒緩濕疹、炎症、敏感泛紅、搔癢。舒緩青春痘、調理乾燥肌。
✔️ 香蜂草純露具抗氧化,鎮靜皮膚紅疹過敏,濕疹搔癢,水腫。
✔️ 蘆薈膠保濕滋潤、增細胞活力、抑菌。
✔️ 金盞花浸泡山茶油,保濕、曬後脆弱肌膚呵護、淡斑、減紋。
使用方法:清潔皮膚後敷 5-15 分鐘左右,清洗,再搽面霜或潤膚乳即可。建議每週使用2-3 次。
保質期:6 個月
重量:100 g
Farm Made | 金盞花香蜂草凍膜 Calendula & Lemon Balm Gel Mask 100g
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.