Seed 點籽
Farm Made Calendula Hydrosol 檸檬香茅純露100mL
Lemongrass Hydrosol (100ml Spray)
使用 City Farm 都市農莊自種有機檸檬香茅,採用低壓慢蒸餾的方法取得的植物性水溶液。無添加,適用於所有膚質。帶有檸檬香味,可清新體味、淨化空氣、驅蚊蟲,提升精神、滋養光澤頭髮同時讓髮絲留香、舒緩壓力疲勞、減輕肌肉痠痛。
容量:100ml 噴霧裝
Farm Made Calendula Hydrosol 檸檬香茅純露100mL
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.