Home/Grocery Vegan/Sauce Co Organic Organic Miso Original 300g/ Grains 500g/ Kelp Miso 300g 味榮達人嚴選無添加有機味噌300g/粗味噌 500g/昆布味噌300g
Sauce Co 味榮
Sauce Co Organic Organic Miso Original 300g/ Grains 500g/ Kelp Miso 300g 味榮達人嚴選無添加有機味噌300g/粗味噌 500g/昆布味噌300g
✔️ 台灣製造
✔️ 嚴選有機驗證原料, 熟成3個月以上, 追求更香醇甘甜. 無負擔的健康味噌!
✔️ 本產品不含防腐劑及不含人工化學添加劑。
✔️ 製程無添加化學成份,會因時間越久色澤會越深,但是風味更佳!
✔️ :全素 皆使用非基因改造黃豆
Sauce Co Organic Organic Miso Original 300g/ Grains 500g/ Kelp Miso 300g 味榮達人嚴選無添加有機味噌300g/粗味噌 500g/昆布味噌300g
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.
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Modular is a powerful Shopify theme that will set you apart from the rest with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections.